Thursday 26 April 2012

Mike Geary's Truth About Abs Review - The Best Workouts to Get Big Abs and Lose Belly Fat Fast

Truth about abs written by Mike Geary is a complete programme that focuses on losing fat, getting a flat stomach and/or getting ripped abs. Before you think about investing your time and money into this programme you will need to know if the truth about abs diet and fitness tips actually work. The short answer is definitely yes but only if you take action. No this short answer may not satisfy you but before I bought this programme I was looking for reviews too. But on the other hand I don't want to give you a rewritten copy of the home page. So therefore I've decided to give you a little bit more. In this article you will discover some tips about the best workout to lose stomach fat fast and to get big abs. With the help of the information in this article you can decide if the truth about abs programme is suitable for you.

Everyone wants to know the truth about abs since there are a lot of misconceptions when it comes to getting abs. Some say that abs can be done by doing regular crunches and sit ups. Some say you need to buy ab machines for this to work. If you want to know the real deal about abs, then Mike Geary's The Truth About Abs is the thing for you.

The Truth About Abs is a weight loss program that focuses on developing your abdominal muscles through a series of workouts and diets provided by the author. The book also talks about the importance of a healthy living and by doing the right exercise, you'll find yourself getting a fit looking body.

I am also a user of this program and have been for over a year and I can vouch for it and the way it works. But maybe I shouldn't say that this program works. Perhaps this is a bit misleading as the only thing Mike Geary's program provides is information, nothing more. This isn't a dumbbell you lift or a treadmill you run on, but a guide on how to workout, how to eat, and how to lead your life to encourage rapid fat burning and muscle toning.

The program doesn't work by itself. It just helps to show you how to work yourself. You have to read the program, you have to understand how to workout, you need to follow the exercise pictures and make sure you maintain proper form, and you need to learn how to make healthier food choices and lead a healthier life.

After having purchased the Truth About Abs we set out trying to read the course and digest the information that it contained. Let's just say, the Truth About Abs has one major problem, it's filled with quite a lot of information so it took my wife and I over 3 days to follow go over it and understand everything that we needed to know. But the question is, was it worth it?

Well, we both started using the teachings from the course/eBook and tried losing weight together. We took before and after photos 14 months apart. Between us using the new secrets that we had learned, we were able to lose over 190lbs of fat. I'm going on a limb here and saying, if you're serious about losing weight and getting six pack abs then I recommend The Truth About Abs because it does work.

Mike Geary also introduces you to his special ab workouts making use of simple exercise equipments so you won't feel the need to go to the gym most of the time. In fact, the program doesn't encourage you to go to one at all. All you need are some exercise mats and dumbbells which will be worth the investment. The program also does not encourage you to take any weight loss pills and assures you that what is mentioned in this book will be natural ways to get abs and be healthy.

In addition, some of the exercises in this program are more challenging that most of the exercises you see people do in gyms. Mike Geary likes to push the body to its limits to achieve a faster fat burning rate than you could have normally expected. I had trouble with some of these exercises and you may find that they are a bit too much at first. If you're not willing to workout hard than you shouldn't try this program out. It won't do you any good. However, if you're patient, ready for gradual results, willing to work hard, and to change your eating habits, then I believe that this program can work for you.

Visit Truth About Abs Pros and Cons to learn more about this diet and fitness program.

For more on the author of this program, visit Mike Geary Review

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter.

If you demand added data related to Truth About Abs Review & The Truth About Abs Review Visit the author site now.

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